Friday 31 December 2010

Some music....

This morning, my friend T and her husband invited me to join them to the fish market. Here, in Japan, New Year is a much bigger deal than Christmas. People usually go back to their families, spend days preparing traditional food in which every element has a special signification (e.g. fish eggs will represent fertility)...So today the fish market was especially busy. It was pretty amazing, felt a bit like in China with people shoving you around (^_^) and the products were amazing (photos on flickr). Awesome.

In afternoon, I spent few hours listening to stuff in tower record and here is a couple of stuff I wanted to share (I put links to their myspace page):

Ogre you asshole
click here

For info:
yura yura teikoku is a psychedelic rock band formed in 1989 from the underground tokyo scene, apparently super famous here. They're good but not my kind of music. They split up this year.)
the second band on list mirror balls (ミラーボールズ) is a duo of guitarists, a woman and a guy, dressed bit 60s, bit weird....

Foxloco Phantom
click here

P.S. Most band names are in romanji (latin alphabet) or katakana, not much kanjis around, I guess it makes it easier for everybody and make it easier to export. But price of CDs are super expensive, around 3,000yens (£24for) new stuff. YERK!

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