Saturday 25 December 2010

メリークリスマス (Merry Christmas)

Christmas here can be summed up by pretty illuminations everywhere, couples buying each others presents, parties with friends, people queuing to have their photographs taken in front of a Christmas tree in the mall and even a group of santas on motorbikes...

So on Christmas eve, I went to school, then I hanged out with my German friend, Holger, who left today. We went to Uniglo to get warm clothes (sales were on) and later on had a nice dinner in small restaurant. A freezing cold wind was blowing so we ended up having a hot chocolate in Starbucks ^_^  People seems to gather in town, going where? I don't know, most things were closed apart from Karaoke bars and arcade games..

During the night, I thought I felt a mini-earthquake but I could have been dreaming.
This morning, the air is crisp, small snowflakes falling and decided to make myself a special Christmas  breakfast. Yummy.
Today, off for Christmas lunch at the house of JM, a French guy I met few weeks ago and his wife, T-san, who lived several years in London. Then, later on, I'll try to cycle to the Christmas party of J-san, whom I met at my first party here... Yes, maybe some people are extremely polite but I also think lots of people are just simply amazingly friendly.

Merry Christmas!

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