Friday 17 December 2010

Inside a shopping trolley

The first time I went to the supermarket was a bit daunting because there are lots of ingredients we usually don't see in European supermarkets. But I was lucky: I'm a regular customer of the Japan Centre in London so could recognise the stuff I like. Pffff....

Here, most of the seafood and fish are pretty cheap, which is really convenient as I love this kind of food. Yeah I also got some cans, just in case I got too lazy one evening :-) And no I haven't eaten wales meat yet but I did eat sword fish sushi, octopus, salmon, tuna, crab, squid, tiny baby fishes (yeah no pity)...

Sauce-wise, I always need to ask people to point me to the right bottle as I can't read most kanjis. First time, I stayed 10mn starring at the bottles, trying to guess what they contained but the magic didn't happen so had to gather up some courage to ask an old lady to show me the mirin (which, incidentally, was just in front of me and written in furagana, which I can read. Baka!)

The thing you notice while doing your shopping is the number of plastic wrapping used. Most fresh goods (vegetables, fruits or mayo as on the picture) are wrapped (sometimes individually); then, things that can leak are wrapped in small individual bag at the till and then you put all your wrapped up objects in big plastic bag....In other words, wrap the wrapping of the wrapped item in a bigger wrap.

Otherwise, the process in the supermarket is mostly like everywhere: you get the food, go to the till but then it differs as the cashier transfer your goods from one shopping bag to another one while announcing the price of each items (sometimes); you pay and then bring your shopping to another counter where you put all the items in a plastic bag. That way there is no queues at the till. Clever, isn't it?

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