Monday 10 January 2011

Tooka ebisu

Today my friends T&S kindly invited me to join them to the Tooka ebisu. The people of Fukuoka come here every year to pray the gods for good business (the speciality of this temple).
The approach of the temple is lined up with shops mostly selling food (anything from kebab to pomme d'amour, mochi, etc...). Shortly after entering the ground of the temple a policeman told us to start the queue, first in one line, then, when getting closer to the temple, as 5 people by one horizontal line...well kind of...

Between talking, looking at shops, it went pretty quick and soon enough it was time to pray for good business/study. Tchan explained the procedure for praying: so first you need to throw some money in front of you (100Y is fine), then bow twice, clap your hands twice, pray, bow once and leave.

After praying the gods, you can buy a variety of lucky charms, which come in all sort of shapes and forms. Below, T-chan buying some lucky charms...

...and M-san with hers (branch and oval stuff). From what I understood, you keep them for a year and they are supposed to bring good fortune to your business. Next year, you bring them back and buy new ones.

I got a couple and S-san even gave me one, a coin that you must keep in your wallet. It is supposed to attract money so, basically you become rich. If everything goes to plan by the end of the year I should be married, rich and doing great at my job. Let's catch up in a year. 
(more photos are on flickr)

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